The Pink Slip Game

Brian from What The Hex and I played a best of 3 game where the winner kept the other player’s…

Tooth and Applause

Arenai Collaboration Series I am very pleased to announce a tri-author collaboration for the next Sleeksbowl series of articles.  Saxthom (host…

Morgok’s Madness

By Contributor Konsul/Mikkel This month we have an entry from one of our longtime discord community members.  You will notice him…

The Iron Claw Part 2

The Tournament Game 1 vs Gorechosen of Dromm and Tooth and Claw Game 1 Round 1 vs Gorechosen and Tooth…

The Iron Claw

It’s been a minute since I have composed something for the blog.  But I am still here putting together decks for…

Truth and Claw 3.0

This will be my last write up for tournament experience with this build.  I think I have pushed these guys as…

Welcome To Sleek’s Bowl

The purpose of this blog is highlight some under used, or often forgotten Warhammer Underworlds cards, war bands or content… kind of like the untouched remnants at the bottom of a dog bowl. They can be the juiciest tidbits! My name is Mike and I realized one day I had too many thoughts on this matter to unload on a single discord. So I decided to create this blog in hopes it will inspire, promote the hobby and create a better, more inventive community. So far I have successfully figured out how to write an opening paragraph, and download pictures of cards from the internet (thanks underworldsdb). It seems I am off to an illustrious start! 

I hope you find nuggets in these blogs leading you to consider things you wouldn’t have before and simply have more fun playing Underworlds. Because, if you remember, that is why you started playing!

Shout Out

I really owe a lot of the development of this blog to What The Hex?! .  I started interacting with the crew there and they have been encouraging, helpful and just good people.  Thanks everyone for the push to do something like this.  I promise, you will regret it.  Yes, that was not a type-o.  There will come a time in which you think to yourself, “We probably shouldn’t have encouraged him to do this, he is starting to be a problem.”  Tough.  I am here now, dug in like a tick on a deer, all over you like a cheap suit, and not intending to go away.  UW community, blame Davy.  

How To Find Me

I am on Discord as Sleeksbowl now, I used to be MikeS, but a secret identity was needed to protect my family.  Also, mysteriously my Discord user ID contained most of my social security number, which when combined with my name, would give you roughly a 1 in 2.7 million chance of stealing my identity.  I don’t like those odds.  I only use warbands that roll hammers.

The point is, get a hold of me.  Tell me what warband you want me to put through the paces, send me your Nemesis builds to consider or tell me which card I should use instead of another.  I love it, and makes me a better player. 

Community Links

I am heavily influenced by multiple community contributors. Please contact me if you are a content creator and would like to have a link to your content:

Underworlds Underground– Saxthom’s New Player and Community Development podcast. Give it a listen! We collaborate quite a bit!
What the Hex?! – The podcast I enjoy the most. Great content, great sense of humor and always on top of their releases.
Path to Glory – Excellent podcast with informed, helpful hosts.
Agents of Sigmar – Youtube delight! Video batreps and entertaining hosts.
Monkey’s Hex – Cool guy making observations about board and token placements and showing off his minis.
Battle-Mallet Nemesis Decks – The podcast is great, the nemesis repository is awesome. Champions of the Nemesis community and great people.
Underworldsdb– A deck builder’s delight. The OG deck building supported quickly and often by mcrat on discord.
Wunderworlds– Deck building alternative with a nice interface.
Spent Glory– I would consider Fishmode a friend and a fellow western underworlds player. His content is top notch in many categories.